This is the backstory that, in my opinion, informs the dream I just had:
- I've been in the two week wait (TWW) since two Tuesdays ago and getting a lot of symptoms I hadn't had before. Tracking them in FF, everything seemed like it was pointing to an eventual positive. So I've been optimistic and cautiously hopeful.
- Last two days a lot of the symptoms have disappeared, my BBT never went very high and actually remained relatively level at 98.2. I'm also getting the kind of uterine cramping that seems more like period cramps. I've also taken two tests that came out negative. So I've been a little disappointed.
- When I log in to Facebook on my computer, I see every time my invitation to my nephew's 1st birthday party this coming Saturday. Thankfully, we're just barely going to miss it, as our flight gets into LGA around 5:30pm and we have plans with friends.
- This is the toughest bit: we have two nephews from J's brother. Younger brother, younger wife. They are 1 and (almost) 3 years old. They were both "oops" babies. Really? Honestly?? I understand that accidents happen, but when one of you is a med student not making any money and the other of you is an inner-city teacher, don't you think you'd take every precaution possible? Both of them were born premature and spent extended time in the NICU. For the first pregnancy I was mostly excited, but a little envy crept in because I felt like J should have the first grandkids as the oldest child.
- My in-laws are thoroughly besotted with these two little ones. In the several months that we lived with them this past year, about 60% of conversation was dominated by the latest and greatest thing that one of these adorable, precious little munchkins had recently done. New songs, silly words, rolling over, crawling for the first time. Each one of those stories is a knife in the heart of a girl who can't get pregnant month after month.
So, the bad dream:
I was visiting my in-laws at their house (not their real house in this dream) and both of the nephews were there also. They were playing around while the three of us adults were scurrying around to go somewhere. At some point, the in-laws were ready enough to take both the little ones out to the car and get them strapped in. Everyone was waiting for me. And suddenly everything for me started to move in slow motion, everything started to go wrong. I had thought I was packed, but I wasn't. There was cleaning up to do that I was responsible for but it wasn't finished yet. I had to go to the bathroom. And they were all outside waiting for me to go. So I went to the bathroom and realized that I was positively gushing blood. There wasn't enough toilet paper to clean it all up, I was making a frightening mess. And everyone was still waiting. I was totally panicked and felt this sense of doom that something was just horribly wrong with me. It was, in a word, disturbing to wake up from that.