Can you still be pregnant if you don't feel queasy or nauseous anymore?
- I woke up a little hungry but not too bad.
- I had no need for my requisite bag of Cheerios on the way to work.
- Yogurt for breakfast didn't turn my stomach.
- The raw onions in my bean salad aren't making me want to hurl like they did the last 2 days.
What if my little blueberry stopped growing? What if this is all over? I have to wait an entire 8 days until I go for another check-up.
I've read one too many horror stories about having a great ultrasound and then, expecting everything to be sunshine & daisies at the next appointment, discover that the little life apparently flickered out just in the day or two after that beautiful photo op. (Well, frankly, if I've read 10 stories of that happening then it's about ten too many...) My boobs barely hurt anymore. The weirdo pregnancy-insomnia seems to be gone. Is this because I had an acupuncture appointment on Saturday? Is that why all the symptoms feel better?? Or did all that needling disrupt the perfect harmony in my body and make everything stop? :(
Gosh I want to be positive but this is just gnawing and me deeper and deeper with each passing minute! I totally have the sads right now.
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