Thursday, July 10, 2014


That title looks like some kind of weirdo code. In a way, it is a kind of code. An abbreviation. What it abbreviates is that I'm 1 day past the IUI. Hopefully, when that code looks like "14dpiui" I'll be seeing a nice double line, a plus sign, a smiley face next to the text "Pregnant." I'll take any of those :)

So far there isn't much to report. I've been feeling mega lazy since being told that I should raise my heart rate over 140 bpm - running raises me far above that, an average of 175 bpm. For that reason I went out and had a leisurely 5 mile walk today. I absolutely had to bring my phone and make calls while I walked cause I knew I'd be thoroughly bored. As a reward, I stopped at REI on the way home to do some sleeping bag shopping and grab a few things for J's race this weekend.

When I got home from my walk and went in to shower up, I noticed some brown spotting. My heart kinda stopped for a sec. But I've spent some time reasoning it out. For starters, one day after the IUI means it isn't implantation bleeding. So my other theory: that obnoxious cervix of mine probably bled a little from all the poking around yesterday. After a long bit of movement this afternoon, I think the activity started up the mucous production which drained out the dried blood from yesterday.

There it is. That's my theory. I'm sticking with it. I also joined a forum website yesterday and found another girl on there who triggered and had her IUI the same days I did. Kinda cool! As of today, we have 13 days left in the eternal TWW (2 week wait).

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