Wednesday, July 9, 2014

IUI Day! IUI Day!

Here we are. The day of our first (only???) IUI. My anticipation for this day - Wednesday, July 9, has been building for weeks now. Here's how it all went down:

ALARM! Took my BBT and it was slightly elevated (97.8 F). Since I had three follicles that looked like they would pop out three little eggies, I wonder if maybe one of them had already released in the wee hours this morning, elevating my temperature? Doesn't matter too much, the appointment is set no matter what!

Left the apartment together with J's bike in the back so that he could ride home after work. Butterflies in the tummy! And some definite ov cramps.

CCRM opens for business and J has an appointment with the cup. All went well.

I drove J off to work about 10 minutes away and stopped for a delicious breakfast myself. Quinoa pancakes with fresh berries, greek yogurt and maple syrup. Heavenly. Put me in a right proper mood sitting out there in the gorgeous Colorado sunshine :)

Took the elevator down to pick up J's washed sample from the lab. After washing, his numbers came to 90% motility, 3+ and 42.2 million count. The lab tech was very pleased with the sample and gave me many good wishes on my way out the door. (I also got a peek at the, uh, "sample procurement" room on my way out the door. Yup, Playboys. And a pad laid out on the chair. Sexy.)

So here's where the magic happens. It was a room I'd already been in for a previous ultrasound, but this time the lights weren't dimmed since I wouldn't be watching anything on the screen. Aside from the massive discomfort I was about to experience, it was all very much like an annual pap. Speculum (but no cold jelly) and the bright light angled in. I warned the nurse, Helen, that many who have gone before her have been stumped by my cervix. She quickly became acquainted with the issues. It took longer than usual for the catheter to be inserted, but she was as gentle as possible and persevered. Evidently, my cervix has a couple of bends in it which it what makes catheter insertion so difficult. Surprise! Once she let me know that she was in, the whole thing was basically over.  For something so monumental (well, potentially) there is just about no pomp to the whole thing. Just a few pats on the back, a smile or two, and kind "good lucks" on your way out the door.

$425 later, I was in the car on my way home. It's funny, actually taking out the credit card and paying for it had some sticker shock associated. But when I was in my regroup meeting with Dr. M back in June and we decided on IUI, the "few hundred dollars" price tag was a massive relief after the "tens of thousands" quoted on IVF. Phew.

Immediate Impressions
Wow that was so quick and straightforward... I can't believe we might have made a baby today without even being in the same room... I totally hate my cervix and hope it straightens itself out on the day that I'm blessed enough to have a vaginal delivery... The next two weeks need to be the most zen, chill, stress-free weeks of my life... My perspective should be one of complete optimism and positivity. Feeling any negativity about the procedure can only hurt the outcome and it won't make me less disappointed in the end if this doesn't work... We still have some time and patience for a few more tries... But this feels really good, after all, it only takes one tiny egg and one teeny sperm to have a little love affair <3

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